Sunday 11 May 2014

We Own the Night 2014 - 10km

SATURDAY 10th MAY - 8.00pm
Distance: 10k
Time: 01:08:27
Average pace: 6.51 min/km
Route: Victoria Park (double loop)
Music: various Beyonce, Watch the Throne - Jay-Z & Kanye, Magna Carta Holy Grail - Jay-Z

Last night I completed my first official 10k run! I participated in the awesome We Own the Night at Victoria Park, with two of my lovely friends, Catherine and Mia, who both talked me into doing it. Signing up to this race has really pushed me to work harder than ever at my running; I don't think I would have ever tried to do a 10k without that motivation, so am very grateful to both of the girls for getting me to do it.

I had a pretty restful week before the run and so was really in the mood to stretch my legs by Saturday. I also had a weird sore muscle in my back which I was pretty sure running would work out so I was RACE READY! 

Mia and I met up to travel to Victoria Park together and were both a little nervy beforehand. A very strange feeling but I guess the anticipation of running with all those people in a 'formal' way gets to you a little. We wandered over to Victoria Park with Catherine and two of her friends, all in our matching teal blue Nike shirts, which were really cool. It felt like going to a really weird festival, and the whole park was kitted out with free water, 'stretch zones' and a really awesome wall with everybody's name on it. It was all so well organised and there wasn't anything to think about but being focused on the run.

 The whole 'owning the night' gang (I'm second from right)

Then we were off to our pens! Mia and I had both picked the lower rankings as we were first time 10k-ers. It was exciting running through the start line - and three of my best friends came to cheer us on which was very supportive of them (I think they are just surprised I am mad enough to enjoy running after many years avoiding exercise of all forms)) and also helped just knowing they were there.

So, the run. The whole build up definitely helped give me adrenaline to get through the run and I would say it's one of the best, most consistent runs I've ever done. It was kind of weird at first starting off with so many runners, I did have to dodge around a couple who were going slower than I was. But largely I stuck my headphones in, focused, told Mia that I would see her at the other end, and got going. I felt like I found a rhythmn pretty early on and had a good control over when to slow down and pace myself, when to speed up and when to stop for water. It was great having huge lit up distance markers, and there were some fun arches to run through, lit up with glowing bulbs, flashing lights etc. Which is good, because actually running through a park is kind of boring for an hour; there are only so many trees you can look at. Although I did remark afterwards that the flashing lights might bother an epileptic who'd already been running for three kilometers - a little warning maybe next time.

I'm really happy with my time - sub 1hr 10min which is exactly what I wanted. The only thing that's confused me looking at my splits is my 3rd kilometer took THIRTEEN minutes. What was I doing?! Did I just stop running or something? I don't even remember. Every other one was between six and seven minutes, so I have no idea why that one took double the time. It's occured to me if I'd have kept my pace on that km I could have done it in 1hr 2min, but that's a goal for next time. :) 

I'm mostly so pleased that I didn't stop running the whole 10km; I didn't take a single break from moving, I didn't walk at all and I just kept up. It was exciting - I felt pretty good about myself! I knew once I got to 7km I could probably do the rest, and as ever I kept telling myself that I just needed to get to the next milestone (km-stone??) and the next and the next. The best part of the run was that around 8.5km Mia and I found each other and did the last stretch together - it felt so nice to start and finish with her.

Mia and I, race ready! 

So, we did it! Even better we got an awesome goodie bag and an Alex Monroe necklace which I love, and I am now a big fan of coconut water as the nice people at Vita Coco were giving out free cartons. 

All the medals

It was such a great experience and I will definitely be doing another 10km race. So starts the beginning of a new running chapter!Today though, it's all about my sofa - and pizza.

Thank you Nike, for helping me Own The Night! 

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